Gureasko Email List

I have set up an email distribution list for the Gureasko clan. Anything sent to family(at) will be forwarded to everyone on the list.

Note that “(at)” in the email address above should actually be “@” like all email addresses. I am writing it out so that it’s less obvious and harder for spammers to harvest.

Yes, I want to become a member of the mailing list family(at)

Please remove me from mailing list family(at)

Enter your e-mail address:

Please confirm your e-mail address:

Hello Gureasko family!

This site will compile information about the Gureasko family heritage. It is being maintained by Eric (Ricky) Bobrow.

As the site grows, this home page will contain posts by anyone in the Gureasko family. There will  be an easy way for members of the clan to log in to the site and create posts. These may contain news, interesting stories, or anything else of interest.

I will start posting real stuff here sometime soon. – Ricky